AutoLISP Tonyscripts ver.1

Tony Scripts v.1

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This LISP script is consisted by four different AutoLISP scripts
that allow you to do some things in AutoCAD faster than doing them manually.

1) The first script is called POINTS TO TXT and can run by typing pntxt

First of all you have to give the name of the output file that is going to be
produced. Then just tick wherever you want on the drawing and when you finish
hit enter. A file is produced on your C: drive with the name given in the beginning.
It is in CSV format but with .txt extension. On the first line is written
Point Number,X,Y,Z and on the other lines there are the XYZ of the points selected
and in an ascending numbered order (the order that the user selected them).

EDIT: 12/1/2017 After long time I realized that in Windows 7 (and maybe above) AutoCAD cannot export file to C: and it has to be in a folder, so I changed the code for this script and all the exported filed are now in the Documents Folder (C:\Users\Public\Documents). I haven’t tried this yet to any other computer but I think that it works just fine. The new LISP file for the POINTS TO TXT can be found here and it can be run by pressing the pntxt command. Thanks.

2) The second script is called XY TAG

It runs by typing xytag. It is a small and useful program and all it does is letting
a text wherever the user ticks on the drawing, with the X and Y of the point

3)The third program is called Quick Select

I wrote this one in order to have a faster and handy script, instead of using the filter command.
This program allows you to select fast the most basic types of things on your drawing.
It can select between Lines, Polylines, Circles, Arcs, Points, Splines, Texts and Mtexts.
It runs by typing qs
for lines l must be typed
for polylines type pl
for Circles type c
for arcs type a
for points type po
for splines type sp
for text type tx
and for mtexts type mtx

4) The fourth script is called Multi Distances

This script allows you to get a fast total distance from point to point (multiple times).
It runs by typing mldist. When you run it, it asks you to select the first point, then the second.
After this you can either press enter to finish or you can select the second set of points (that
indicate a line). When finished it asks you to point where the text of the total distance is going to
be placed.

—-Important Note—-
I am not giving the code of the scripts. Instead of that, I am giving a compiled file.
At the end of every script action, something like “Written by Antonis Raftopoulos”,
my mail and the domain of my blog is going to be printed.

This is due to several reasons. First of all, I do not want to give the code because
it is a product of several hours of studying and coding. Secondly, I am promoting my self.
I do not have a job (and I am looking for one). Someone who will find these scripts useful,
probably is going to use them on his/her job, so why not promote my self too?
After all, someone may need a CAD user like me 😉

If you do not like this, then read AutoLISP, learn and write your own tools (or find a disassembler
and dive into the code).

How to start script automatically, every time AutoCAD starts:

If you do not know how to load LISP scripts in Autocad there are several ways.

A) Drag n Drop the script (.lsp, .fas etc) on your drawing

B) press the command “APPLOAD” and find the script and load it.

If you want the script to be loaded every time AutoCAD starts automatically, the you can press APPLOADappload

and then press the button named Contents under the Suite icon (of Startup Suite).startupsuite

Then press ADD to add your script.addadd_script

Then close and again close.

The next time AutoCAD will start the script is going to be loaded automatically.succes_load


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